Friday, August 01, 2008

Holy Batman! It wasn't a Robin!


It is 4 in the morning, an ungodly hour, in my opinion and I have just been awakened by a noise that didn't seem quite right.  I went downstairs, nothing seems amiss... I got a drink of water and headed back to bed, and that's when I heard the noise was coming from my bedroom. 

I cautiously approached. A bird!  Great, so I went downstairs to get a rake (bigger than a broom) and gloves, figuring I would guide it out the door somehow.  So I went back into the room and tried to direct the thing out the door, that's when I thought?  What the?? It was a BAT!!  OMG,now what?  I am surprised that I have a thought process at 4 in the morning anyhow, let alone having to figure this out!! 

So, applying the same technique I figured might work for the bird, I got him down the stairway and out onto the porch where I then left the door open to the outside so he could just leave. Problem was...I had locked the screen door on the porch too. So I had to go onto the porch and unlock it. But I was pretty proud of myself... Mission accomplished! 

I went back to bed, certainly not ready to sleep again....adrenalin was a little high...and then... there it was again! OMG!!  Was it the same bat, a different bat??  I have no idea.  Did he slip back in when I went on the porch??  Agh!! So I repeated all the steps again, shutting off each room as I went by and opening both the front and back doors this time. 

I don't see him now, did he leave?  I'm not really in the mood to sleep and really glad I can take a nap tomorrow before work! So where did he get in?  Was he alone?  Was it the same bat twice?  Is this some weird promo for the movie???

1 comment:

Bruce Thivierge said...

Send him to Boston, now that Manny is gone we need a BAT!